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Paediatric Pain Assessment
Toothache - 2019
Oral Pain - 2019
Child and Adolescent Health: A Guide for Refugee Health
Paediatric Trauma Guidelines
Paediatric Emergency Trauma Manual
Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Neonatal and Paediatrics
Brain Development and Mental Health in Children
Shifting the pH: Acid-Base Balance
Child Abuse
Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma
Clinical Pathology (CPath) Workbook
Clinical Pathology (CPath) Exam
Paediatric Acute Pain Management Using Opioids
Paediatric Assessment: The Basics
Paediatric Asthma: An Overview
Paediatric Epidurals
Paediatric Intravenous Cannulation
Paediatric Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Paediatric Toxicology
Paediatric TTP Manual JHH (updated)
Sepsis: Blood Culture Sampling Guidelines
Understanding and Managing Pediatric Trauma
DETECT Chapter 1 - When To Worry
DETECT Chapter 2 - I Can't Breathe
DETECT Chapter 3 - Warm Hands, Warm Feet
DETECT Chapter 4 - Five Causes of Anuria
DETECT Chapter 5 - The Confused Patient
Recognising Deterioration in Babies and Children
Emergency Management of Asthma in Adults and Children
Child’s Play: An Intervention to Trauma
The Neonatal Gut Microbiome
Avoiding Anaphylaxis in Children with IgE-Mediated Food Allergies
Caught in the Crossfire: Children and Catastrophes
Symptom clustering in patients with childhood-onset systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE)
Intern Lecture Series 2020: Child Protection
Fetal Safety Education - Fetal Physiology - Hypoxic Stress
Normal Bladder Function
Clinical Procedure Safety for Every Patient, Every Time
Intern Lecture Series 2018: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Intern Lecture Series 2018: Trauma
Intern Lecture Series 2018: Child Protection
Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Paediatric
Intern Lecture Series 2019: Child Protection
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring
Administration of Medication to Children
Bringing Puppets to Life - Putting Theory into Practice
DETECT Junior Online Training Program
Paediatric Advanced Life Support Theory
Trauma Emergencies
Trauma Patient Management Training
Weight4KIDS Adolescent Obesity Training
Weight4KIDS Core Training
Weight4KIDS Endocrine Training
Weight4KIDS General Medicine Training
Weight4KIDS Nutrition Training
Weight4KIDS Orthopaedic Training
Weight4KIDS Physical Activity Training
Weight4KIDS Psychosocial Training
Weight4KIDS Sleep Training
Postpartum Haemorrhage
Obstetric Blood Management
Obstetric Haematology
PBM for Medical Patients
Neonatal & Paediatric Iron Deficiency Anemia
Aseptic Technique
Between the Flags - Tier 1: Awareness, Charts and Escalation
Between the Flags - Tier 2: Communication & Teamwork
Between the Flags - Tier 2: eLearning Case Studies
Between the Flags - Tier 2: Systematic Assessment (Paeds)
Breastfeeding (Module 1)
Breastfeeding Promotion
Child Wellbeing and Child Protection - Part 1
Child Wellbeing and Child Protection - Part 2
Child Wellbeing and Child Protection - Part 3
Child Wellbeing and Child Protection 2 - Patient Facing Clinicians
Child Wellbeing and Child Protection (Theory)
Emergency SEPSIS KILLS Program
Emotional Health of Mothers and Children
ETEK Module 7: Pain Assessment
ETEK Module 8: Paediatric Triage
Fundamentals of Paediatric Medication Safety
Intern Lecture Series 2017: Child Protection
Learning Path - Paediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
Learning Path - Skills in Paediatrics (SKIP)
Neonates and Paediatrics - Haematology & Oncology
NPS: Bacteraemia
NPS: Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections
NPS: Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
NPS: Introduction to Antimicrobial Prescribing
NPS: Otitis Media: Clarifying the Role of Antibiotics
NPS: Respiratory Tract Infection in a Child
NPS: Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Open Disclosure
Paediatric Basic Life Support for Clinicians
Paediatric CPG: Abdominal Pain
Paediatric CPG: Acute Management of Head Injury
Paediatric CPG: Asthma
Paediatric CPG: Bacterial Meningitis
Paediatric CPG: Croup
Paediatric CPG: Fever
Paediatric CPG: Gastroenteritis
Paediatric CPG: Recognition of a Sick Child
Paediatric CPG: Seizures
Paediatric CPG: Sore Ear - Otitis Media
Paediatric CPG: Sore Throat
Paediatric SKIP: Introduction
Paediatric SKIP: IV Cannula Care
Paediatric SKIP: Lumbar Puncture
Paediatric SKIP: Medication Prescribing
Paediatric SKIP: Nasogastric Tubes
Paediatric SKIP: Paediatric IV Fluid Therapy
Paediatric SKIP: Pain Assessment
Paediatric SKIP: Pain Management
Paediatric SKIP: Respiration in Paediatrics
Paediatric SKIP: Urine Collection
Paediatric SKIP: Vital Signs
Paediatric SKIP: Dehydration in Gastroenteritis
Pain Assessment
Paediatric Iron Deficiency Anaemia
PBM for Neonates and Paediatrics
Principles of Child-Centred Clinical Interactions
RESUS4KIDS 1 - Paediatric Life Support
RESUS4KIDS 2 - Advanced Paediatric Resuscitation
RESUS4KIDS 3 - Intraosseous Access
RESUS4KIDS 4 - Tracheostomy Emergency Management
RESUS4KIDS 5 - Neopuff Infant T-Piece Resuscitator
RESUS4KIDS 6 - Advanced Airway Management
Rural Generalist Nurse Program: Paediatric Care
Sharing Information to Support and Protect Vulnerable Children
Water Immersion for Labour and Birth
Weight4KIDS - Adolescent Module
Weight4KIDS - Core Module
Weight4Kids - Endocrine Module
Weight4KIDS - General Medical Module
Weight4KIDS - Measurements Module
Weight4KIDS - Nutrition Module
Weight4KIDS - Orthopaedic Module
Weight4KIDS - Physical Activity Module
Weight4KIDS - Practical Interventions Module
Weight4KIDS - Psychosocial Module
Weight4KIDS - Sleep Module
Provide CPR and BLS (HLTAID001/2)
Provide CPR (HLTAID001)
Provide Basic Emergency Life support (HLTAID002)
Provide First Aid (HLTAID003)
Provide Advanced First Aid (HLTAID006)
Provide Advanced Resuscitation (HLTAID007)
Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies
in the Workplace (22282VIC)
Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis (22300VIC)
Basic and Advanced Life support
ALS 1: Immediate Advanced Life Support
DETECT Junior Training
Hand Hygiene Standard Theory Online Module
NSW Health Paediatric Resuscitation Chart
Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Child Protection
Neonatal and Paediatric Patient Blood Management Guidelines 2016
The Issue of Day Time Wetting for Children
Assessment and Management of Constipation and Soiling in Children
Preparing for Parenthood with the Gottman Baby Home Program
Pregnancy Weight Plan
Childhood Stroke: Clinical Guidelines 2017
Competency - Basic Life Support - Child
Infants & Children - Management of Acute Gastroenteritis
Comfort Holds in Paediatrics - An Alternative to Restraint
Preconception Health and Infertility
Paediatric Medications - Increasing Compliance
Contraception Choices and Options
Paediatric Medication Calculations
The Role of the Infertility Nurse in Australia
Airvo 2 High flow Nasal Prong Oxygen Device
A Child with Acute Otitis Media 2018
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Talking with Children About a Parent or Guardian’s Cancer Diagnosis
Neonatal Major Haemorrhage
Neonatal Surgical Haemorrhage
Paediatric Hematology & Oncology
Fetal and Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT)
PBM for Neonates and Paediatrics
Neonatal Preterm Transfusions
Paediatric and Neonatal Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Paediatric Life Support for Healthcare Rescuers e-Learning
Advanced Paediatric Resuscitation e-Learning
Intraosseous Access e-Learning
Paediatric Tracheostomy Emergency
Neopuff Infant T-Piece Resuscitator
Advanced Airway Management
Basic Life Support for Allied Health
Preventing Medication Errors
Perinatal Mental Health
Managing Relatives' Concerns
Acid-Base Essentials
Fluids and Electrolytes Masterclass
Point of Care Ultrasound Essentials Course
Point of Care Ultrasound Essentials Workshop
Presentation Essentials for Clinicians Course
Procedural Ultrasound Master Class
Thyroid Disease Master Class
Transesophageal Echocardiography Essentials
Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms
Advanced Paediatric Airway Management
Intraosseous Access
Neopuff Infant T-Piece Resuscitator
Paediatric Advanced Life Support
Paediatric Tracheostomy Emergency Management
The 4H's and 4T's
Interventions for a Healthy Lifestyle: Maternity & Child Health
Cardiorespiratory Acute Paediatric Physiotherapy Course
General Allied Health Principles of Paediatrics
Oxygen Therapy
Paediatric Trauma Course
Paediatric Feeding and Swallowing Education Course
Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating Paediatric Patient
Core Skills eLearning Course
Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating Paediatric Patient
Advanced Skills eLearning Course
Safe Infant Sleeping eLearning Program
Growth Hormone Deficiency in Childhood
Hypogonadism for the Specialist
Vitamin D in Pregnancy and Children
Case Study — Asthma: Optimising Control in Children
Paediatric NIMC
Weight4KIDS Core Training
Kids Smoking Cessation Training
Paediatric Gastroenteritis Emergency Guidelines
Paediatric Assessment Triangle
Paediatric Nursing Webinar Series
High-Flow Nasal Therapy - Physiological Mechanisms
High-Flow Nasal Therapy - Paediatric Applications
High Flow Humidified Oxygen Therapy - Overview
Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Eye Health and Vision Care
Basic Life Support Practical Assessment
Resuscitation ALS Practical Assessment
Child Protection 1-Day Workshop
Child Protection Targeted Training
Cardiac Nursing Course Module 1 - Part 1
Cardiac Nursing Course Module 1 - Part 2
Cardiac Nursing Course Module 1 - Part 3
Cardiac Nursing Course Module 1 - Part 4
Cardiac Nursing Course Module 1 - Part 5
Competency Infection Control: Standard Precautions
Competency: Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care
Competency Drug Calculations: Adults - Part One
Competency Drug Calculations: Adults - Part Two
Competency Drug Calculations: Adults - Part Three
Competency Drug Calculations: Adults - Part Four
Competency Drug Calculations: Adults - Part Five
Competency Drug Calculations: Paediatrics - Part One
Competency Drug Calculations: Paediatrics - Part Two
Competency Drug Calculations: Conversions
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Guidelines
Newborn Hypoglycaemia
Management of Acute Croup in Children
NIKI T34 Syringe Pump
Enteral Feeding Tubes
Basic Life Support Assessment
Between the Flags - Tier 2 - DETECT Workshop
ALS 1: Immediate Advanced Life Support
DETECT Junior Training
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